Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brooke Allen and Paul Dry Books

A review I wrote of a good book on Syria (before the revolution) called The Other Side of the Mirror was just published at Ploughshares, and is available online. My reviews are also sometimes published on the Ploughshares blog.

I picked up the book because I've read some of Brooke Allen's essays before at The New Criterion and have always enjoyed her work; here, as an example, is her fine piece on Henry Green.

I can also recommend the publisher: Paul Dry Books. A friend gave me one of their books many years ago, and I've enjoyed exploring their list: a combination of good new books, like Allen's, and worthy re-issues like Walter de la Mare and Sister Miriam Joseph and some fine young adult novels. I recommend poking around; there aren't many small publishers left with an eye for books like these, and they deserve your support.

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